June 19, 2024
Provider Insights Article – Headaches
This Provider Insights article is about headaches. Dr. Charles Catania, Medical Director of PentaHealth and physician at PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester, has put together this informative article with data collected from various sources. Check out the article here.
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April 9, 2024
Provider Insights Article – Primary Care Eye Health
This Provider Insights article is about Primary Care Eye Health. Dr. Charles Catania, Medical Director of PentaHealth and physician at PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester, has put together this informative article with data collected from various sources. Check out the article here.
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February 7, 2024
Provider Insights Article – Obesity Update
This Provider Insights article is regarding an Obesity Update. Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Catania, who is a physician at PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester has put together this informative article with data collected from various sources. Check out the article here
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November 15, 2023
Provider Insights Article – Coping with Holiday Stress
This Provider Insights article is on Coping with Holiday Stress. Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Catania, who is a physician at PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester has put together this informative article with data collected from various sources. Check out the article here
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September 1, 2023
Provider Insights Article – Flu Vaccines
This Provider Insights article is on Flu Vaccines. Written by Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Catania, who works out of our PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester practice. Information for this article has been gathered from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Check out his article here
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August 25, 2023
Provider Insights Article – Dehydration
This Provider Insights article is on Dehydration. Written by primary care physician, Dr. Brian Boucher, who works out of our PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester practice. Check out his article here
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June 9, 2023
Provider Insights Article – Sun Protection
PentaHealth’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Catania, found this month’s Provider Insights – an article by The Skin Care Foundation. He wanted to share with our patients since it contains recommended information regarding sunscreen and skin care prevention. Check out the article here  
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May 4, 2023
Provider Insights Article – Summer Camp and Sports Pre-participation Physicals
This Provider Insights article is on Summer Camp and Sports Pre-participation Physicals. Written by Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Catania, who works out of our PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester practice. Check out his article here
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March 24, 2023
Provider Insights Article – Seasonal Allergies
This Provider Insights article is on Seasonal Allergies. Written by Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Catania, who works out of our PentaHealth Family Practice West Chester practice. Check out his article here  
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